Cooperative Education is an experiential educational model that integrates academic and work-based learning. Co-op students alternate semesters in the classroom with semesters working in industry in their field of study.
Cooperative Education Program
Ingram School of Engineering co-op students contribute talent, skills, next generation perspectives, and represent all dimensions of America's diverse society in the workplace. Real-world engineering experiences through co-ops are crucial to preparing our students for the world beyond college. Today's students will become tomorrow's STEM workforce, innovators, and leaders. The Cooperative Education Program in the Ingram School of Engineering is committed to helping our students take those next steps forward.
$1.7 MM Collective co-op earnings since 2017
Co-op students...
Get academic credit for co-op
Maintain full-time student status
Will not have FAFSA/EFC impacted from earnings.
Get academic credit for co-op
Maintain full-time student status
Will not have FAFSA/EFC impacted from earnings.
100% Graduation rate with co-op!
95% employed full-time in their fields of engineering
45% employed by co-op employers
58% Hispanic, Black, Asian participants
32% female; 68% male participants
45% employed by co-op employers
58% Hispanic, Black, Asian participants
32% female; 68% male participants

Co-op Connections
Hear from fellow Bobcat engineering majors about their experiences as co-op students.

Co-Op Info for Employers
Connecting employers to talent and students to opportunities.
Start your Co-Op Journey
Course Information, Eligibility, Requirements, Application, FAQs
Recruitment Opportunities
Explore jobs, internships, and co-op opportunities
We're here to help!