E2.02 - Electro-Sonic

Single Octave Monophonic Analog Synthesizer.

Sponsor: Texas State University
Student Team: Martha Fabiana Jaimes, Daniel Sandoval, Brandon Ussery, Tim Watson 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rich Compeau


The product developed by this team is a battery powered monophonic analog synthesizer that follows a one volt per octave scale. The analog synthesizer takes a control voltage from either a piano style keyboard or a midi controller and generates a wave at a specific frequency to match the note for that key and then outputs that wave to a speaker. The analog synthesizer will follow a tuning of A equals 440 Hz and will divide the octave using equal temperament resulting in 13 equally spaced keys. 

E2.02 Project Presentation

Video not playing? You can also view our presentation by clicking the link below!

E2.02 Project Presentation

E2.02 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

E2.02 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Brandon Ussery, brandon.ussery@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Karl Stephan, ks22@txstate.edu

E2.02 Group Photo
E2.02 Group Photo From right to left (Brandon Ussery, Tim Watson, Fabiana Jaimes, Daniel Sandoval)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E2.02 Evaluation Form